G20 High-Level Policy Guidelines on Digital Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women and SMEs

07/19/2020 - 11:12 am

The G20 High-Level Policy Guidelines on Digital Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women and SMEs (HLPGs) provides sets of featured policy options targeting financial inclusion gaps for youth (subject to child protection frameworks where relevant), women and SMEs through digital financial services in order to reach conditions in which all people can live, work and thrive; as well as utilize and share benefits of innovations and digitalization. The G20 High-Level Policy Guidelines are supported by three reports: (1) Advancing the Digital Financial Inclusion of Youth; (2) Advancing Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion; and (3) Promoting Digital and Innovative SME Financing. The supporting reports emphasize the importance of fostering responsible finance through increased access to digitally enabled financial services as well as addressing relevant cross-cutting issues, including financial consumer protection and financial literacy.

Download the Guidelines here: