G20 Leaders Welcome the 2017 G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan

07/04/2018 - 4:25 am

At the G20 Leaders Summit held in July 7-8, 2017, in Hamburg, Germany, the G20 Leaders welcomed the updated G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) and expressed overall support of the ongoing work of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) in their Communiqué. The 2017 G20 FIAP serves as framework and substantive basis for the activities of the GPFI.

New key features of the 2017 G20 FIAP include the alignment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, mainstreaming the digital dimension of financial inclusion and the reflection of forcibly displaced persons as a new vulnerable group while maintaining the focus on women, youth, rural areas and other vulnerable and underserved groups. In addition, the new comprehensive accountability framework includes measurable indicators to determine progress over the years.

Photo Source: CGAP.