GPFI-AFI 'High-Level Forum on the Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons' held in Berlin

07/08/2017 - 10:19 am

In the context of the German G20 Presidency, the Global Parthership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) and the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI) hosted the 'High-Level Forum on the Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons (FDPs)' on 26 April 2017 at the Spreespeicher, Berlin. Members of the GPFI and AFI met with representatives of international development and humanitarian organizations, private sector actors, and academia to discuss the challenges and potential solutions to provide and promote access to adequate financial services for FDPs.

The High-Level Forum was structured around the different stakeholder perspectives, including the humanitarian, regulatory and private sector dimensions, and worked towards the identification of an agreed set of priorities for future action and collaboration. The discussion was inspired by the participation of Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Founder of the Grameen Bank and Nobel Peace Prize laureate as well Mr. Thomas Silberhorn, Parliamentary State Secretary, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Related Documentation

Summary GPFI-AFI High-Level Forum on the Financial Inclusion of Forcibly Displaced Persons

Photo credit: The World Bank Group/ German G20 Presidency (GPFI Chair, Natascha Beinker, with Prof. Muhammad Yunus.)