09/01/2016 - 10:43 am
In the context of the G20 agenda, the 2016 Forum of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) was held on July 18-19, 2016 in Chengdu, the capital of the Sichuan Province of China. The events were organized by the People’s Bank of China (PBOC). Along with Turkey and Germany, China is a 2016 GPFI co-chair. In this context, Mr. Guo Qingping, Deputy Governor of PBOC, and Mr. Wang Minghui, Vice Governor of Sichuan, both delivered keynote speeches.

The 2016 GPFI Forum in session
Participants in the 2016 GPFI Forum discussed issues such as infrastructure and the development of digital financial inclusion (DFI); legal framework and policy priorities of DFI; innovation, risk management and regulation of DFI; digital alternative data and SME supply chain finance; de-risking and AML/CFT in DFI; promising innovations in digital payments supporting financial inclusion; and digital solutions for rural financial inclusion.

Participants in the 2016 GPFI Plenary
The following day, on July 20, the 2016 GPFI Plenary took place, also in Chengdu. Participants discussed the G20 High-Level Principles on Digital Financial Inclusion and the updated G20 financial inclusion indicators, and reviewed the Implementation Framework of G20 SME Finance Action Plan. The GPFI subgroups then reviewed their work in breakout sessions and discussed possible working priorities for next year under the German G20 Presidency.