GPFI holds its Second Plenary under Indian G20 Presidency

05/03/2023 - 11:02 am

On 6-7 March 2023 the GPFI met in Hyderabad for the Second Plenary Meeting under Indian G20 Presidency. Among other agenda items, discussions were held on the deliverable under the Presidency’s GPFI annual priority, “Leveraging Digital Public Infrastructure for Financial Inclusion and Productivity Gains” as well as on the new Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) (2023-26). The plenary agenda also focussed on other GPFI priorities: (i) Assessing Progress in the Implementation of the HLPs on DFI: (ii) New Deliverables on Digital Remittances; (iii) the Regulatory Toolkit; (iv) the Report on Digital and Innovative Products and Services for MSMEs; and (v) Data Harmonization.

Watch a video on digital financial inclusion here (link is external)and highlights from the event here(link is external) and here(link is external)

Click here to view the agenda and here to view the Co-Chair's summary.