Now Open: Public Comment Period for GPFI White Paper on Standard-Setting Bodies

11/29/2015 - 10:59 am

In their Antalya Summit communiqué, the G20 Leaders endorsed a recommendation calling upon the Financial Stability Board and the relevant standard-setting bodies to continue their engagement with the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) in finalizing the GPFI White Paper, Global Standard-Setting Bodies and Financial Inclusion: The Evolving Landscape, released at the end of the Summit as a Consultation Document.

The GPFI invites public comments on the Consultation Document, according to the procedure described below.

Since the publication of the first GPFI White Paper in 2011, Global Standard-Setting Bodies and Financial Inclusion for the Poor – Toward Proportionate Standards and Guidance, global standard-setting bodies (SSBs) have taken fundamental steps on financial inclusion, acting on most of the observations and recommendations in the first edition.

This second edition of the White Paper takes into account the considerable evolution of the financial inclusion landscape since 2011, concluding with observations and recommendations for further action. The White Paper aims to raise awareness of the changing landscape, to inform ongoing work by the SSBs and other global bodies, and to integrate financial inclusion objectives into standards and guidance that can be applied effectively at the country level. It takes into consideration the important role that digitization of financial services plays in reaching financially excluded and underserved customers, and the implications of this development for the SSBs.

Comments on the Consultation Document may be submitted until 15h00 GMT 29 January 2016 to Ms. Myra Valenzuela at, using the attached comment template. Please note that public comments will not be accepted if received after the deadline or in another format.

Following the consultation period, the final version of the White Paper will be prepared for publication in March 2016, under the Chinese G20 Presidency.