Outcomes of GPFI Events: 7-10 September 2015

12/14/2015 - 10:52 am

GPFI Member Country representatives, Implementing Partners and Affiliated Partners had their last face-to-face Plenary meeting under the Turkish Presidency on 12 September 2015 in Antalya, following the GPFI Forum on 11 September. Attendees evaluated the year and talked about the GPFI’s key deliverables and deadlines for 2015.

Chinese GPFI Co-Chair officials shared their main priorities with the participants, while each of the four GPFI Subgroups talked in breakout sessions about possible work in 2016 with the participation of IPs, APs and interested G20 member countries.

Various G20 initiatives took place the week of 7 September 2015, culminating in the GPFI Forum.

The G20 Round Table on Innovations in Agricultural Finance was held 9 September in Antalya. The Round Table was aimed at uncovering new ways to finance the agricultural sector in developing countries.  After a panel of high level policy makers and private sector representatives from G20 and non-G20 countries set the stage, the following innovative approaches in agricultural finance were discussed: Agricultural Insurance; Value Chain Finance; Digital Technology, Financial Services, and Smallholder Farmers; Financing for Women in the Agricultural Sector; and Understanding Smallholder Demand, Driving Innovation. See the agenda.

The Responsible Finance Forum VI - Evidence and Innovation for Scaling Inclusive Digital Finance - took place 7-9 September 2015 in Antalya, Turkey. This two-and-a-half-day, invite-only forum engages policymakers, financial service providers, and researchers in an evidence-based discussion on consumer protection measures, financial education approaches, the design and delivery of financial products and services, and regulatory frameworks and codes of conduct.

The Global Ye! launch, a youth entrepreneurship summit, took place on 10 September 2015 in Antalya, Turkey as well. The event was hosted by the Turkish Presidency, and focused on youth enterprise and innovation worldwide. High-level representatives from the private and public sector as well as some young entrepreneurs from Ye! Community spoke on the topic of youth entrepreneurship. The goal of the event was to officially announce the global launch of the Ye! platform, which aims to be the largest online community of young entrepreneurs. See the agenda.

The GPFI Workshop: SME Finance Compact meeting was held 10 September 2015 in Antalya, Turkey, preceding the Development Working Group meeting on 14-16 September 2015. In an effort to promote SME finance policies and approaches that spur economic growth, the G20 GPFI announced the SME Finance Compact in 2012. The event provided an opportunity for G20 and interested nonG20 countries to share knowledge and discuss their national SME finance strategies. The workshop highlighted progress made by countries in line with the SME Finance Compact, invite governments to make new commitments in this regard and provide recommendations to the G20 for scaling up country-level efforts. See the agenda.

Outcomes of GPFI Events: 7-10 September 2015

Photos: GPFI Plenary

Photos: Global Ye! Launch Event

Photos: G20 Round Table on Innovations in Agricultural Finance

Photos: SME Finance Compact