Home > Lessons Learnt and Effective Approaches to Protect Consumers and Support Financial Inclusion in the Context of COVID-19
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Mansi Vipin Panchamia on 02-18-2025 - 2:15
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This report provides a summary of the impact of the pandemic on financial consumers and financial inclusion, a global view of the measures implemented to support financial inclusion and protect financial consumers, and sets out the lessons learnt and effective approaches that can be drawn from the experience.
Source URL (modified on 11-15-2021 - 8:05 ): https://www.gpfi.org/publications/lessons-learnt-and-effective-approaches-protect-consumers-and-support-financial-inclusion-context
[1] https://www.gpfi.or/publications/lessons-learnt-and-effective-approaches-protect-consumers-and-support-financial-inclusion-context
[2] https://www.gpfi.org/users/mansi-vipin-panchamia
[3] https://www.gpfi.org/sites/default/files/documents/5_OECD%20Report_FCP%20and%20FI%20in%20the%20Context%20of%20COVID-19.pdf