The 2017 G20 FIAP, a revision of the earlier 2010 and 2014 editions, reaffirms the G20 Leaders' commitment to advance financial inclusion benefiting all countries and all people, including in particular underserved groups (such as the poor, women, youth, and people living in remote rural areas) and vulnerable groups (which include elderly people, migrants, forcibly displaced persons).
Under this revised G20 FIAP, the GPFI identifies four key drivers that will set the stage for continuing the progress in achieving financial inclusion: (1) recognition of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as the overarching framework for sustainable development globally; (2) the rapid development and penetration of digital innovations; (3) increased attention to the importance of responsible access and usage of financial services to the poor, strengthening the focus on underserved and vulnerable groups; and (4) the mainstreaming of financial inclusion alongside other financial sector development goals of stability, integrity and consumer protection.